Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein

Federal Education Center of the Socialist Youth of Germany - Die Falken in Werneuchen / Werftpfuhl near Berlin

The youth education center Kurt Löwenstein conducts seminars on non-formal political education. It’s run by the Socialist youth of Germany Die Falken (The Falcons).

Our educational work focuses on week-long seminars with youngsters and trainees from Berlin and Brandenburg, international exchanges, advanced training for active people in youth organizations/youth work and other major events.

In our house you can also organize your own events, seminars, trainings etc. We are able to assist you on request, or you can book complete educational packages, which we adapt to your individual needs. There are numerous recreational opportunities in the house, on the premises and in the surrounding area are at your disposal.

Get in contact with us, find out about current events or browse through our news.

Anreise, Ausstattung, Belegungsanfragen und Preise Mehr dazu hier.
Zielgruppen und Bereiche unserer Bildungsarbeit, Angebote für Seminarfahrten und Veröffentlichungen Mehr dazu hier.
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen und Ferienangebote, Meldungen und Stellenagebote Mehr dazu hier.

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