Online-Registration for Summer School 2024: “Radical horizons - Exploring communal living, Queer anticapitalism, and anarchy in a changing world”

Register here online for the International Summer School 2024: “Radical horizons - Exploring communal living, Queer anticapitalism, and anarchy in a changing world”, held from August 16, 2024 - August 23, 2024.

Contact: Jonas Gerber

More Information

By submitting this form I bindingly register for the International Summer School 2024: “Radical horizons - Exploring communal living, Queer anticapitalism, and anarchy in a changing world”, held from August 16, 2024 - August 23, 2024.

Do you have any allergies we should know about?
Do you use medication or have some sort of medical condition we need to be aware of in case of emergency?
Do you have any room preferences (by delegation, gender, with certain people, etc.)?
In different parts of the program, participants can contribute to the program by running a workshop, sharing good practice or other activities. If you would like to contribute to the program, please inform us here on your possible contribution.
Passport Informations
The passport informations are only required if you need a visa for Germany.

Information of KLH

I agree that KLH will send me information and invitations to similar events. I can revoke this consent at any time (see revocation under declaration of consent).