Queer Easter 2009

Queer Easter 2009

"10 years of Queer Easter. We have to know where we come from to know where want to go"

Werneuchen, 24.Februar 2009. This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Queer Easter, our big seminar on LGBT-issues. During the seminar we will have a review of the last ten years, what has changed in society and our organisations since then, challenges for the future, and strategies to overcome heteronormativity in daily life and to enable an equal variety of genders.

This non-formal educational seminar will take place from 6. - 13.04.2008 at the Educational Centre Kurt Loewenstein in Werftpfuhl/Germany.

Attached you will find the application form as well as the invitation and the programme. Registration Deadline is 25.03.2009. In case of further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Tim Scholz.

Looking forward to welcome you at Queer Easter 2009 in Werftpfuhl!

Tim Scholz

Bildungsreferent/Education Officer

Jugendbildungstätte Kurt Löwenstein

Education Centre Kurt Loewenstein

Freienwalder Alle 8-10

16356 Werftpfuhl

Tel: +49-(0)33398-899918


Mail an Tim Scholz